Barbara Hanachova

Transforming lives through gentle expert care

Barbara Hanachova, holistic health, London based therapist, international consultations
craniosacral therapy, lactation consultant, midwife, infant feeding, tongue tie

meet Barbara

Hi, I’m so happy you’re here!

I’m a loving (bonkers in my kids’ words😂) mum of four incredible children, a former ITU nurse, an independent midwife, a lactation consultant & tongue tie specialist, a craniosacral therapist, and above all a passionate homeopath. My journey into holistic healing has been deeply personal, shaped by my own experiences of pregnancy, birth, motherhood, and it was also hugely influenced by the families I had the privilege to support along the way.

My Journey to Homeopathy

My path began in conventional medicine as an ITU nurse, but everything changed when I became pregnant with my first daughter (now 23 years old!). That profound experience led me to midwifery, where I discovered my passion for home birth, body autonomy, and informed choice.

During my pregnancy, I was introduced to homeopathy — and I was amazed by how powerful yet gentle it was. From that moment on, it became a cornerstone of my family’s health. I used homeopathy for everything — from pregnancy and birth to childhood ailments, fevers, and emotional well-being, even to fix my hypothyroidism.

And over the past 20+ years, I’ve seen its transformative effects not only in my own family but also in the many women and babies I’ve cared for as a midwife.

Three years after my first daughter’s birth, I had a free birth with my second daughter, which deepened my trust in the body’s natural ability to heal. Six years later, my first son taught me just how challenging breastfeeding can be. That experience drove me to study infant feeding in depth, eventually becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to support mothers facing similar struggles.

When I became pregnant with my youngest son at 40, it was after a physically and emotionally deeply traumatic miscarriage when I thought I would never have another baby. Yet despite the odds, I was able to advocate for myself, make informed choices, and experience an empowering home birth — with homeopathy playing a vital role once again.

Expanding My Healing Knowledge

Motherhood has been my greatest teacher. Each of my children has been unique, but my youngest son brought me a whole new level of learning — tongue tie, ADHD, stress management, alternative upbringing strategies, and ‘free-from’ diets. His challenges led me to train in craniosacral therapy at CCST and study the holistic treatment of tongue ties and oral dysfunction with Carmelle Gentle.

Though I had been using homeopathy personally and semi-professionally for over two decades, it was my youngest son’s journey that inspired me to deepen my knowledge and train as a professional homeopath at the Centre for Homeopathic Education (CHE). Now, I bring together all of my expertise — midwifery, lactation, craniosacral therapy, and holistic medicine – to offer a truly individualized approach to healing.

Why Work With Me?

I believe in freedom of choice, informed decisions, and a deeply personalized approach. No two people are the same, and there is never just one solution. Whether you’re seeking homeopathic support, guidance through pregnancy and postpartum, help with infant feeding, or holistic care for your child’s unique challenges, I’m here to listen, support, and empower you.

If you also believe that every cloud has a silver lining and you’re ready to take control of your health journey, I’d love to work with you. Let’s connect — your healing starts here.

I help children thrive. Bringing sustainable transformation & well-being to families is my drive.
Barbara Hanachova

Get in Touch

I’ll be happy to answer all your questions as soon as possible. You can book a free 20min discovery call or contact me via my enquiry form.