I help women and children restore their health in a gentle, safe and sustainable way
This plan is specifically designed for children with complex conditions:
– autistic spectrum
– other neurological/developmental conditions
This plan includes three appointments scheduled monthly:
– initial consultation lasting 60-90min
– x2 up to 60min follow up appointments
– nourishment and lifestyle advice including herbs, aromatherapy, supplements etc. where appropriate
– email and/or WhatsApp support throughout
– homeopathic remedies posted to your address within UK (Tissue Salts not included)
– personalised approach with comprehensive attention and support on your child’s healing journey
– 50% discount on my Craniosacral Therapy appointments
– 50% discount on the Hair Mineral Analysis plan
– free access to the Mother’s Herbal Club for the duration of your plan
The sessions are tailored to the unique needs and concerns of individual families. Together we will explore your child’s full health and lifestyle history to date which will help me establish the most effective and bespoke health plan.
You will have my support throughout the duration of the programme to help you manage acute ailments (fevers, coughs, cold etc) with homeopathy and other natural home remedies. We will also work together on gradual adjustments of your child’s nourishment and lifestyle to achieve optimal outcomes and to help your child reach their full potential as fast as possible. However, these conditions are very complex and the recovery journey usually takes time. It requires patience and commitment often from the whole family.
Monthly payment plans are available at booking.
This plan is specifically designed for children with:
– eczema and other skin conditions
– asthma; hay fever; allergies; MCAS
– recurrent tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils & adenoids
– ear infections, glue ear
– gut issues, chronic constipation
– other chronic or long term conditions
What is included:
– three appointments scheduled monthly
– initial consultation lasting 60-90min
– x2 up to 60min follow up appointments
– nourishment and lifestyle advice including herbs, aromatherapy, supplements etc. where appropriate
– email and/or WhatsApp support throughout
– homeopathic remedies posted to your address within UK (Tissue Salts not included)
– personalised approach with comprehensive attention and support on your child’s healing journey
– 50% discount on the Hair Mineral Analysis plan
– free access to the Mother’s Herbal Club for the duration of your plan
The sessions are tailored to the unique needs and concerns of individual families. Together we will explore your child’s full health and lifestyle history to date which will help me establish the most effective and bespoke health plan.
You will have my support throughout the duration of the programme to help you manage acute ailments (fevers, coughs, cold etc) with homeopathy and other natural home remedies. We will also work together on gradual adjustments of your child’s nourishment and lifestyle to achieve optimal outcomes and to help your child reach their full potential as fast as possible. However, these conditions can be very complex and the recovery journey may take time. It requires patience and commitment often from the whole family.
Monthly payment plans are available at booking.
This plan is specifically designed for women of any age:
– Perimenopause / Menopause
– Hormone Imbalance
– Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
– Endometriosis
– Period Pain / Heavy Periods
– Reduced Fertility
– Adenomyosis and fibroids
– Cramps & Womb pain
– Hormonal Acne
– the Pill/HRT consequences; detox
– Thyroid and other autoimmune conditions
– Skin conditions
What is included:
– three online consultations scheduled monthly – initial consultation lasting 60-90min and x2 up to 60min follow up appointments
– email and/or WhatsApp support throughout
– nourishment and lifestyle advice including herbs, aromatherapy, supplements etc. where appropriate
– homeopathic remedies posted to your address within UK (Tissue Salts not included)
– personalised approach with comprehensive attention and support on your healing journey
– 50% discount on my Craniosacral Therapy appointments
– 50% discount on the Hair Mineral Analysis plan
– free access to the Mother’s Herbal Club for the duration of your plan
The sessions are tailored to the unique needs and concerns of individual women. Together we will explore your full health and lifestyle history to date which will help me establish the most effective and bespoke health plan.
Fertility and women’s health in general can be a complex world to navigate and the journey towards recovery may take some time. It requires patience and commitment often from the whole family. I will walk with you and offer coaching and emotional support too.
In fertility treatment once you are pregnant you will have the option to transition to my Midwife Online Pregnancy coaching programme with 20% discount.
Monthly payment plan is available at booking.
This appointment is suitable for anyone who wants to try homeopathy but doesn’t want to commit to a longer treatment plan. However, most chronic/long term conditions will require further follow ups to work towards full health recovery.
This plan includes:
– 1 x 60min consultation
– homeopathic prescription emailed to you with suggestions where to purchase the remedies
– 2 x email to check in on your child’s progress
This appointment is suitable for anyone who wants to try homeopathy but doesn’t want to commit to a longer treatment plan. However, most chronic/long term conditions will require further follow ups to work towards full health recovery.
This plan includes:
– 1 x 60min consultation
– homeopathic prescription emailed to you with suggestions where to purchase the remedies
– 2 x email to check in on your progress
This is a useful tool to identify the body’s deficiencies, imbalances and toxicity which we can then address with targeted homeopathic remedies, nutritional and lifestyle adjustments, herbal products or additional supplements.
This Plan includes:
– Test kit & guidance on sample collection
– Full laboratory analysis with tailor made nutritional advice
– 60-90min consultation to discuss the results
– Bespoke nourishment and lifestyle recommendations
This is a 30min consultation for support with minor family health issues and self-limiting ailments such as common coughs and colds, sore throat, fever, ear ache, indigestion/stomach bug/food poisoning, minor injuries, bruises, sprains & strains, baby teething & colic etc.
The appointment includes advice on homeopathic remedies (ideally you should have an home remedies kit), herbs and nurturing suggestions. These will be emailed to you within 2hrs after the appointment. You will also receive a follow up check-in email 24hrs and 48hrs after you start taking the remedies.
Remedies are not included in the fee for this service.
If there are any underlying conditions or imbalances in the body which might be contributing to your symptoms and health concerns, I may recommend the one of my 3 months Plans to provide more in-depth support.
If you cannot find a suitable appointment you can seek support 24/7 at SWIFT Homeopathy Clinic.
I live in London and offer online consultations worldwide.
Yes, I am fully insured for all the services I offer.
Homeopathy can help resolve or at least manage any short and long term health issue by addressing the root causes and stimulating the body’s self-healing abilities. It can be used as your main healing modality or alongside your regular medication. However, if you have a chronic/long term condition, please consult a qualified homeopath rather than attempting to treat yourself.
I specialise in children’s health from newborn to teens. My main area of interest are complex conditions such as autistic spectrum, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS as well as eczema and other chronic complaints that often accompany the complex conditions.
Yes! I offer specialised Homeopathy Women’s Health Plan.
I help women with endometriosis, fibroids, menopause symptoms, thyroid and other hormonal issues and anything else in the realm of women’s health.
You can find out more in the booking information here.
For homeopathy pregnancy support please look at my Midwife Online Coaching Plan here.
In Homeopathy is no ‘one size fits all’. We have over 8000 remedies to choose from. Don’t be surprised when you have a headache and ask your neighbour what remedy did they take for their headache that it won’t work for you. We don’t prescribe only on one symptom but rather on an overall picture. Your headache might feel completely different to your neighbour’s – yours might be pounding in your temples while theirs might be just pressure at the back, you might be thirsty while they may not be, you might feel chilly while they are sweating, etc.
More so with complex conditions such as eczema where are often many aspects in play. As parents we may not be able to see the whole picture as clearly. But a homeopath has a role of unprejudiced observer who asks many (sometimes seemingly unrelated) questions. All the details you share with help us understand your condition, identify possible root cause or causes (often there are more than just one trigger) and prescribe the remedies that best match your individual circumstances.
If you would like to give homeopathy a go or want to know more, book a free 15min discovery call with me here.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed in 18th century by German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann. He spoke several languages and read all medical books available at the time in search of better, safer cure for his patients than the bloodletting and leeches… The main principle of homeopathy is ‘like cures like’ which was first described already by Hippocrates in the 5th century. It basically means that a highly diluted substance can help combat similar symptoms that it would cause in its crude form. Because the remedies are highly diluted, they are very gentle and safe.
You can read more here.
Yes, homeopathy is safe for all ages from newborns to elderly as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Acute/short or self limiting conditions such as fever or cough can be resolved within days or sometimes even hours.
However, chronic/long term conditions do need time and often also dietary and lifestyle adjustments. The length of treatment is individual and depends on the specific circumstances of each patient as well as their dedication to their own healing journey. The longer you have suffered from the condition, the longer it may take to peel away all the layers and restore optimal health.
Yes, I actually treat mostly children from newborns to teenagers. I have a specialist interest in helping children with eczema as well as ASD, ADHD, PANS, PANDAS etc. These conditions are complex and need time and patience to achieve improvements which is why I offer specialised healing programmes.
I also use homeopathy in combination with craniosacral therapy and oral function assessment to help babies with colic, reflux and other related issues. For more information please refer to my Lactation Consultant service page.
Yes! I have completed a course on Homeopathy for Autism with Mike Andrews – one of the leading UK homeopaths in this field and author of Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder book for practitioners and families.
I have attended two day webinar by Tomas Vyboch – Autism and Other Mental Disorders, organised by the Slovak Academy of Homeopathy.
I have also completed 6 months post-graduate training Healing the Next Generation with renowned Canadian homeopath Anke Zimmermann. This training focuses on integrated homeopathic care protocols for children with autism as well as other developmental challenges.
I am a member of the International Homeopaths for Autism team.
And most recently I completed 12 months postgraduate master practitioner programme at CHE with Colin Griffith – The Anatomy of Energy in Homeopathy which offers deeper understanding of new remedies, ancestral trauma, quantum energy and much more.
I offer free emergency support to my clients on any of the 3 months health plans. You can also ask for acute help in the Mother’s Herbal Club. And this is one of the reasons why I encourage my clients and the Club members to purchase a home remedy kit (in UK for example from Ainsworths pharmacy).
If you are not my ‘health plan’ client, member of the Club or I am out of office, you can access emergency homeopathy help 24/7 all year round via Swift Homeopathy Clinic which I am also a member of (£42/$55/50EUR)